Alliance Renee & Meyer Luskin Academy High School

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Attendance & Tardy Policy

2016 - 2017 School Attendance & Tardy Policy



Alliance Renee and Meyer Luskin Academy High School students must attend school every day and arrive on time to all classes. Any absence or tardy must be verified with a valid note.

 Valid Absences Include:

Reason of Absence



Signed Dr’s Note

Medical/Dental Appointment

Signed Dr’s Note

Exclusion from school (Suspension)

Verification from school administration

Funeral (Immediate family)

*Time allowed: 1day in state, 3days out of state

Personal (court, religious, etc)

*Must be approved by administration 2days prior

Student with 10 unexcused absences will be referred to the Student Attendance Review Board (SARB). Regardless of whether an absence is excused or unexcused, parents and guardians must notify Luskin Academy of the absence. Students must clear their absence the morning of their return with the Attendance Clerk.



1st bell rings at 7:40 AM

Students must be in their classrooms by 7:45 AM

Students not in their assigned seat when the 7:45 bell rings are considered late and must serve an hour of detention on the same day they are tardy.

On-time arrival is critical for establishing clear daily routines and students who are regularly late or absent tend to have lower test scores and grades. The habits and attitudes about school attendance that you share with your child today will set the tone for his or her success later in life.

To reinforce punctuality and good attendance for academic success, we will issue detention to every tardy student.  This detention will be held during lunch and nutrition on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Detention will be held for an hour after school on Wednesdays.

We thank you very much for your support and if you have any question please contact us at the main office: (323) 905-1210.

Students who do not attend mandatory detention will have a parent conference with the counselor on the following day. Students with excessive tardies will be placed on an attendance contract. 

California Department of Education Definition of Truancy & Penalty Guidelines


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